Selasa, 22 Maret 2016

The BlackBerry Z30 Is Coming November 14th for $200 On Contract


BlackBerry is undeniably facing some tough times. But it’s also still in business, and still making phones. And, if you liked the Z10, you’re probably going to be excited to discover the Z30 is coming tomorrow.

Big Screen, Big Dreams

The Z30 is more of an upgrade than a reinvention, but then again, the Z10 was a pretty major bid by BlackBerry to reinvent itself. This largely adds a better screen and more support for mirroring; for example, BlackBerry emphasizes that you can walk into a meeting with nothing but your smartphone and put up your presentation using Miracast or similar apps. It’s also overhauled BlackBerry Messenger to include previews of messages while you’re doing something else on the phone, which isn’t revolutionary but is a welcome touch to BlackBerry Messenger.
The main problem, though, is one of self-fulfilling prophecies.

Crushed BlackBerry

Here’s the thing; like we said, BlackBerry is struggling. It’s lost a bid to go private and is having to sell a few somewhat exotic financial instruments on the market to stay in business, not to mention a fair chunk of its own campus. While BlackBerry Messenger is undeniably popular, the fact is this is a company that couldn’t sell itself to anyone, and is facing serious trouble. That’s going to be a factor when you consider buying any phone, especially a high-end phone that might have to last you two years, even if the company that built it goes kablooey.

Z For Zippy? Or Z For Zero?

The Z10 didn’t set the sales charts on fire, but it was undeniably a good phone. And it’s good to see BlackBerry following up with it, especially as it’s trying to prove that it can still be viable in a sector dominated by Apple. If you want to get one, it’s available through Verizon for $199 on a two-year contract.

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